How Different Are Hobbes and Locke?

Thomas Hobbes famously argued that man’s natural state is war. Man is at war because he seeks to protect himself and his interests, which conflict with other men’s. Hobbes breaks it down into three categories: Man is at war because of “competition, diffidence, and glory” [Hobbes 76]. In other words, man is at war because he desires the same things as other men, he fears other men, and he wants other men to fear him. Hobbes claims that the only thing that can end the state of war is “assurance to the contrary” [Hobbes 76]. In other words, an assurance of peace is the only thing that will keep men from being at war with one another.

John Locke pushes back on Hobbes’ argument that war is the natural state of things. He argues that men originally live in peace with one another. Their reason impels them to respect one another's property, which becomes theirs as a result of appropriation through labor. When one man usurps what rightfully belongs to another, he breaks this natural order. Then, the victim has a right to defend himself and/or seek retribution. 

Locke makes the point that it is hard for man to remove his passions from administering justice. Thus, the retribution, without a formalized social compact, is unlikely to be proportional to the preceding injustice. Locke concedes that this will lead to a perpetual cycle of injury and retribution as “ is hard to imagine any thing but a state of war: for where-ever violence is used and injury done, though by hands used to administer justice, it is still violence and injury” [Locke 16]. 

Since Hobbes establishes that war is the natural state of things, is Locke really adding anything relevant by claiming that the natural state of things leads to war? Both scenarios end up with war, which man needs to address via a social compact. I will concede that his property argument is certainly innovative, but I ask: Do the fruits of man’s labor belong to him if he cannot defend them?


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