The Minimal State is No State At All - Zac

 The minimal state is no state at all.

Nozick begins by stating "The minimal state is the most extensive state that can be justified." Implying that a state that goes beyond what is minimally required is unjustified. The obvious defense is to offer one of the many models of a more expansive state, and explain its virtues i.e. at securing distributive justice. Nozick preempts these arguments by arguing against the state's abilities to secure these benefits i.e. a central distributive mechanism ensuring distributive justice. However in the method by which he argues against these orthodox expansive state accounts which privileges the minimizing of the state in all instances as desirable, Nozick leaves his account open to anarchism. Hence, the first sentence, I believe Nozick's ideal minimal state is no state at all.

Presumably like Nozick's expansive state dissenters, Nozick would appeal to the necessity of the state on its grounds to secure some virtue, i.e. rectifying injustice in holdings. However it seems for Nozick this goal is better realized with no systemic management by independent individual agents free from any state "The system of entitlements is defensible when constituted by the individual aims of individual transactions. No overarching aim is needed, no distributional pattern is required." (pg. 159) I imagine this anarcho-capitalist society looking something like a giant unregulated black market, covering all goods and services not just traditionally considered criminal ones. And again this seems to better achieve Nozick's goals by having no chosen pattern of distribution at all "our objection is against all attempts to impress upon society a deliberately chosen pattern of distribution, whether it be an order of equality or of inequality." (pg. 158 Nozick quotes Hayek) Fundamentally his view "From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen," (pg. 160) fits in with a psuedo-Hobbesian account with some Darwinism evolutionary theory where the more able-meritious person deserves their higher distribution of earnings. Those with power, wealth, etc. become free agents capable of choice, and others subject to being chosen, think hiring with employer/employee. This is consistent with Nozick's view that merit ought reduce or increase someones share "so that he deserved to be punished, deserved to have a lower share." (pg. 154) The result is the minimal state, an anarcho-capitalist society with universal black market competition, best fulfills these conditions. This society is structured by individual agency and fighting for one's distribution of wealth. Is it a good distribution of wealth, no, but any state larger cannot be justified under Nozick's view.


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