
I've been racking my brain about how to properly attempt Anderson's project of voice and I was wondering what their thoughts would be on doing it by giving employees stock or shares in the company. I think its important to acknowledge that part of the reason CEO's are sanctioned to exercise such massive control over the functions of the firm including its employees is because we recognize their liberty to do so as a majority shareholder in a company meaning they've invested the most money into the success of the firm (at least from my limited understanding of how stocks and the firm works.) Stock is I think a fixed way to shift power over the company from one entity to another and this can be seen from an example of a hostile takeover which involves buying out the current management of a firm. Then I dont see why giving employees stock, wouldn't accomplish the same goal of shifting or tilting the power dynamic. And though I dont know the specifics of how stocks work, I dont mean to give employees measly percentages or some useless class of stock. The stock given must be so that it gives them partial ownership of the company in a meaningful way that allows them to exercise abilities such as voting on company policies. While I know there are companies that do give their employees stock, it seems to be more so as a reward where I think that due to their employment and labor, employees are entitled to their possession of it (this is un addition to wage.) I think this might do a good job of having some power of holding the management accountable as well as aligning the interests of the firm with the interests of its employees (since they'll benefit from the company growing.) 



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