lol i hate this man
Reading Nozick was a very interesting exposure to Liberalism. My takeaway from it was that Nozick thinks that the state has no obligation to owe us anything except the ability to secure our ends and means. In his account, he presupposes that everyone has equal capacity to secure their means and protect their ends. His account of property relies on a form of procedural justice that is very similar to what Rawls describes. He has interesting considerations about property and the way property can be allocated and how the market can work to serve our ends. I think Nozick misses a lot of very important facts about how society works, especially in the way discrimination and prejudice can affect the capacity we have to secure our ends in society. Nozick effectually utilizes and colorblind and classless approach to analyze society. Nozick assumes that people “chose to work” or “chose not to work.” He t...